Historic Building Records

We prepare all historic building records in compliance with the recommendations set out in the Historic England's Understanding Historic Buildings: A Guide to Good Recording Practice.


Why Record?

Records of historic buildings are generally compiled for one of more of the following reasons:

  • To inform the day-to-day and long-term management and use of buildings
  • To promote the understanding and appreciation of historical buildings
  • To secure an understanding of a building and its significance to inform the preparation of a scheme of conservation, repair or alteration
  • To inform decisions relating to the approval or implementation of a scheme of development as part of the planning or conservation process
  • To document buildings, or parts of buildings, which will be lost as a result of demoltion, alteration or neglect
  • To assess the significance of groups of buildings, settlements and landscapes, and provide a basis for strategic heritage management
  • To provide underpinning data for thematic, topographic or preiod-specific works of synthesis by recording a sample of surviving structures
  • To inform academic research across a range of disciplines


What Level of Survey Do I Need?

There are four levels of record which are widely adopted. They range from Level 1 (photographs and brief notes), to Level 4 (full historical and architectural analysis, supported by a comprehensive drawn and photographic record. These levels give guidance about how to compile records as well as defining a common standard for Historic Building Surveys. The 4 levels are:


Level 1

Level 1 is essentially a basic visual record, supplemented by the minimum of information needed to identify the building's location, age and type. This Level is generally contributory towards a wider study and is normally used to gather basic information on a large number of buildings.

They are generally of exteriors only and occasionally include sketch drawings.


Level 2

Level 2 is a descriptive record, made in similar circumstances to Level 1 but when more information is required. Both the exterior and interior will be seen, described and photographed. The examination of the building will produce an analysis of its development and use, as well as including the conclusions reached.

These usually include basic plans & other drawings, but these are not normally comprehensive.


Level 3

Level 3 is an analytical record, and will comprise an introductory description followed by a systematic account of the building's origins, development and use. The record will include an account of the evidence on which the analysis has been based, allowing the validity of the record to be re-examined in detail.

It will aslo include all drawnm and photographic records that may be required to illustrate the building's appearance and structure and to support an historical analysis. 


Level 4

Level 4 provides a comprehensive analytical record and is appropriate for buildings of special importance. Whereas the analysis and interpretation emploed at Level 4 will clarify the building's history so far as it may be deduced from the structure itself, the record at Level 4 will draw on the full range of other sources of information about the building and discuss its significance  in terms of architectural, social, regional or economic histroy. The range of drawings may also be greater than at other levels



If you wish to discuss Historic Records in more detail, or for further information on any of our professional services please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can be reached on 01342 833448 or by emailingThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Alternatively, you can complete the enquiry form below and we will contact you immediately.


Listed Building Surveys

Michael J Redmond BSc (Hons) MRICS has surveyed thousands of Listed Buildings of every type and age, throughout London and the South East of England. With over 30 years of experience and over 20,000 homes surveyed his expertise in both Listed Buildings and Historic Buildings is vast.

Listed building surveys are a specialised field - done properly by an historic building surveyor, you will learn a great deal about the building. 

To be able to survey a listed building, you need to understand the building.  This means knowing your bricks, timber types, mortars, and roofing materials. Years of study will give you an insight as to how buildings have evolved over time, and how construction methods change.  

When we advise clients about Listed Buildings, we use our extensive knowledge of the cost of work to them.  We have taken Listed Buildings apart, and rebuilt them.  We know what it costs to repair a heritage building - what materials to use, how to use them, and where to get them.  We never stop learning - attending CPD courses on a regular basis - by the likes of the Weald and Downland Museum, Historic England, IHBC and others.  

What we do:


Listed Building Surveys for buyers

We survey the building exhaustively - looking at structure, the materials it is made of, its history and development.  

We look for any unauthorised alterations or additions the previous owners may have carried out. Don't forget you will automatically assume responsibility for these if you buy the building - it passes with the building not the person who did the work.  We look at the planning history of the building, and examine all Listed Building Consents that have been approved or rejected to understand what is legal and what may not be.  This can have a substantial effect on any financial negotiations. 

We can look at the feasibility of any changes you are thinking of making.  Often these may simply not be possible - or by changing the way they are presented, they may be eminently successful; bearing in mind the planning guidelines for alterations to Listed Buildings.

Building Conservation is a key focus, working with BS: 7913 as the broad overview.  Leading on from this, we look at the cost and nature of any repairs needed.  We look at the materials needed - the skills required, and help to cost these repairs so you have a structured budget and specification.  This will take into account all components of the building including areas such as the roof, chimneys, stormwater drainage, walls, ground levels, and internal plasterwork.  


Listed Building Surveys for home owners.

We work with owners of Listed Buildings to help you understand the history of the building and how it developed over the ages, through in-depth Full Building (Structural) Survey reports. This informs our understanding - what has happened since then - what materials have been used, and why.  From this, we begin to build a picture of what may be wrong with the building - why is it damp, why is there decaying timber, and why is brickwork and stonework deteriorating. 

We can also help prepare Listed Building Consent applications, with in-house Architectural Services, including all drawings, Heritage Statements & Design and Access Statements.



If you wish to discuss Building Surveys in more detail, or for further information on any of our professional services please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can be reached on 01342 833448 or by emailingThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Alternatively, you can complete the enquiry form below and we will contact you immediately.

Latest Project

External Repairs Project Wimbledon

External Repairs Project Wimbledon

This project involved obtaining a client brief, undertaking a survey of 4 blocks of privately owned flats to ascertain their condition, providing a feasibility report with cost estimates, preparing a specification of works and obtaining tenders, appointing a contractor, contract administration including cost control, agreeing a final account with the appointed contractor. Contract Value £130,000.

Contact Details



01342 833448


Unit 4a, Shawlands Court, Newchapel Road, Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6BL

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Unit 4a, Shawlands Court,
Newchapel Road,
Lingfield, Surrey

Telephone: 01342 833448

Redmond & Associates, trading as Redmond & Associates (South East) LLP
Company number is OC428307 and it also needs to say that we are registered in England & Wales
Registered office address is Eastbourne House, 2 Saxbys Lane. Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6DN
VAT number for the LLP company which is 462 2986 68